當前位置:首頁 » 運動資訊 » 在空閑時間你可以運動翻譯
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發布時間: 2023-03-31 08:00:19

㈠ 我們應該在空餘時間多做運動英語

You should 【do 】more 【exercise】 in your free time

㈡ 許多人在空閑時間進行運動 英語怎麼翻譯

Many people in my spare time take exercise

㈢ 求翻譯:一旦我有了空閑時間,我就會做運動是什麼意思

Once I have free time, I will do sports

㈣ 英語翻譯:在課余時間做運動,既不會浪漫時間,又能得到有效的鍛煉。所以,我們應該勞逸結合

In the spare time doing sports and neither romantic time, and can be effectively exercise. Therefore, we should combining exertion

㈤ 在我的業余時間,我會繼續做鍛煉,例如,游泳,跑步,養魚,還有各種各樣的球類運動 求英文翻譯

In my spare time,i'桐閉信局輪態緩ll continue to do exercises like swimming,running,feeding fish and various activities of ball.

㈥ 在我看來,比起高中有更多的閑余時間,可以看課外書,做運動等。這句話用英語咋翻譯

【譯文1】Personally, even more spare time I have now since graated from my high school, where I could read for my pleasure, engage in the varied physical activities and so on.
【譯文2】Personally, compared with my high school, in which I have even more spare time. And now, I could read for my pleasure or engage in the varied physical activities or do else.

㈦ 我在空閑時間經常參加運動,強身健體英語

I often take part in sports in his spare time, physical fitness

㈧ 我經常在閑暇時做一些運動。翻譯

I often do some exercises in my leisure time.

I often take some exercises in my leisure time.


㈨ 你可以多讀一些書來開闊視野,在空閑時,你可以多做一些戶外活動, 幫忙翻譯成英語.

You can read more books to broaden your horizon.When at leisure,you can do more outdoor activities.